33 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 1N1 DONATE NOWAbout
33 Cecil Street,
Toronto, ON M5T 1N1
Toll Free: 1-800-320-7183
Website: www.greenpeace.ca
E-mail: lcanada@greenpeace.org.
A Gift in Your Will Today – A Greener, More Peaceful Planet Forever
After taking care of your loved ones, have you considered leaving a gift in your will to Greenpeace Canada? A gift in your Will means you’ll still be standing up to environmental offenders, still be protecting our precious oceans and forests, still be preserving species and making all our lives better – even after your lifetime. Leaving a gift in your Will to Greenpeace is a way to put your beliefs into action and help protect the Earth for future generations.
If you’d like more information about making a legacy gift to Greenpeace, please get in touch with Sydney Smith at lcanada@greenpeace.org. or
All requests for information are at no obligation and are completely confidential.