1 King Street West, suite 702, PO Box 739, LCD 1, Hamilton, ON, L8N 3M8 DONATE NOWAbout
1 King Street West, Suite 702
Hamilton, ON L8P 1A4
Mailing Address: Box 739, LCD 1, Hamilton, ON L8N 3M8
Tel: 905-522-3863
Website: www.hamiltonhealth.ca
E-mail: info@hamiltonhealth.ca
Social media:
Charitable No. 131159543 RR0001
Purpose: Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation is a registered charitable organization raising funds in support of Hamilton General Hospital, Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre, McMaster Children’s Hospital, St. Peter’s Hospital and all of their associated programs. This includes McMaster University Medical Centre, Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre and the Regional Rehabilitation Centre. Through the generosity of our donors, we fund capital redevelopment projects, purchase medical equipment and patient amenities, and invest in research and education. Our mission is to raise funds and manage donor gifts to support outstanding clinical care and research for the 2.3 million residents of Hamilton and South-Central Ontario served by Hamilton Health Sciences.
Person in Charge:
Anissa Hilborn, CFRE.
Annual Report Available. Member, Imagine Canada